
Let the Journey Begin

During the decades of loving music and having turned it into a practical craft, there are moments of inspiration that were influential in my development as an artist and musician.

My Music

My Prints

About Rodney

My playing career began inconspicuously in 1965 with a job in a three piece ensemble at a pizza joint in Davis, California for the grand sum of $5 per night.  

The first full-time work came in 1970 with a group in Sacramento, CA followed by a long term gig at Yosemite Valley to work with a dance trio at the Ahwahnee hotel for six months. Performances were six nights a week.

In 1972, I began  a two-year stint as a GI in West Germany, returning to the Bay Area in 1974 and found work with a local drummer and guitarist. That engagement changed into a solo partnership venue in 1975 and lasted until 1977.

I then took my performances to southern California Kern County area meeting and getting to work with the first woman to have ostensibly played electric guitar professionally, Mary Osborne.

I returned to Yosemite valley in 1984 and continued sporadically until 1990.

In 1988 and from 1991 to 92 I performed a solo engagement at the Beverly Hilton Hotel as the lobby pianist, working six nights a week six days a week.

In 1992, I returned to the Bay Area and found work as a solo performer at Scott’s Seafood in Walnut Creek, performing three nights weekly until 2014.

In July 1997, I joined a Sunday brunch trio (saxophonist, drummer and vocalist) at Scott’s Seafood in Jack London Square (Oakland, California) performing there every Sunday until March 2020.

Other work as a soloist or within trios and quartets was fairly constant from 1995 to 2020. Solo work became more concentrated with the performing in retirement homes.

Music Collection









Art Works

My Art Work